Life Insurance – Setting the record straight

“Insurers don’t pay out”

Figures for 2018 from the Association of British Insurers show that insurers pay out a staggering £13.9m every day, and that 98% of claims are paid.

“It’s too expensive”

This is a common misconception, but believe it or not, life insurance cover is much more affordable than you might think and can cost as little as a monthly Netflix subscription.

“Finding the right policy is too time-consuming”

This isn’t the case if you take advice. Your adviser will discuss your circumstances, work out the cover you need, research the market on your behalf and recommend the right type of policy to meet your specific requirements. You won’t pay for this service ‐ your adviser will receive commission from the policy provider.

“Only breadwinners need cover”

Not so – stay‐at‐home parents do a lot for their families, such as cooking, cleaning and childcare. If they weren’t around, replacing these services would cost a lot of money.
As with all insurance policies, conditions and exclusions will apply.

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