Inflation Drops to 8.7% in April 2023

Inflation Drops to 8.7% in April 2023, but Base Rate Predicted to Peak at 5.5%


In April 2023, the UK witnessed a significant decrease in inflation, with the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) falling to 8.7%. This marks the first time in eight months that inflation has dipped into single digits, providing some relief for households. However, analysts are cautious, predicting that the base rate may peak above 5% according to this article in the Guardian. Let's delve into the details of this inflation decline and the potential implications for the UK economy.

A Closer Look at Inflation Figures:

The latest CPI figures reveal a 1.42 percentage point drop in year-on-year inflation compared to March. This decline can be attributed to the exclusion of last year's energy price cap increase from the calculation. However, certain factors such as recreation and culture, alcoholic beverages and tobacco, communication, transport, and council tax increases partially offset this decrease. Despite slightly surpassing market forecasts, the reduction in inflation brings some respite to households grappling with rising prices.

Inflation Trends on a Monthly Basis:

While the overall inflation rate decreased, the monthly data tells a different story. The CPI actually rose by 1.2% on a monthly basis. Furthermore, core inflation, which excludes energy, food, alcohol, and tobacco, reached a 31-year high of 6.8% in the 12 months leading up to April. This upward trend suggests that underlying inflationary pressures persist, despite the overall decline.

Factors Influencing Food and Non-Alcoholic Drinks:

The Office for National Statistics (ONS) highlights that the inflation rate for food and non-alcoholic drinks eased slightly from 19.2% to 19.1% in the year to April. This can be attributed to price reductions in items such as bread, cereals, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, sugar, jam, and honey. However, potatoes contributed to a marginal increase in this category.

Anticipated Base Rate Hike:

Financial analysts warn that despite the decline in inflation, there is a momentum for the base rate to rise further. The direction of core inflation, which is heading in the wrong direction, and the expected increase in energy prices indicate the likelihood of at least one more interest rate hike. Speculation suggests that the base rate could potentially peak at 5.5% to address these concerns.

Future Monetary Policy and Inflation Battle:

As central banks like the Bank of England near the end of their interest rate hiking cycles, they are expected to maintain a tight monetary policy to combat inflation. This suggests that significant rate cuts are unlikely until 2024, as central bankers' credibility is at stake in the ongoing battle against rising prices.


The recent decline in UK inflation to 8.7% in April 2023 brings temporary relief for households, but concerns about the base rate persist. While factors such as recreation and culture, alcoholic beverages and tobacco, communication, transport, and council tax increases influenced the decline, core inflation remains high. Analysts predict further interest rate hikes, with a potential peak of 5.5%. As central banks strive to rein in inflation, maintaining a tight monetary policy is essential. Monitoring these economic developments will be crucial for individuals and businesses navigating the ever-changing landscape of the UK economy.

Understanding Inflation: What It Is and How It’s Calculated